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Either an author who fences, or a fencer who tends to write a lot. I found a passion for writing first, then I found fencing. I also found that the pen and the sword work very well together. The pen may be mightier than the sword but together they are much greater.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The "Female" Guard (Part 1)


Below is a discussion of what has been termed by students and myself as my "female" guard. This is a more in-depth discussion of the physiological basis of the guard, demonstrating the differences between males and females in the structure of their pelvises and how this affects their movement. Due to the breadth of this topic, it has been divided into two parts, this is the first part.


A while ago one of my readers (Curious Girl) wrote a comment asking for more information about the hip position in my “female” guard proposed in one of my earlier articles. I have finally managed to write that article, examining the pelvis and the differences between males and females in more detail, at least the first part of it. It has been an interesting time performing this research, especially considering there is not a lot using fencing-specific actions.

I hope that the information below answers some of the questions that you had about the guard which I presented. I have learned quite a bit since then, thanks to my female students who keep teaching and reminding me about the joy of our differences.


I have said this before when I have talked about recommendations about how bodies should move, but just to be sure, I will say it again…

I am not a physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, or any other health-care professional. I am a person who has done a bit of reading, as the bibliography will present, and I have been training people in fencing for about 25 years or so.

If you’re interested in the original post you can find it HERE, or you can find it in my book Un-Blogged: A Fencer's Ramblings, where I talk about the original female guard. I am a fencer with chronic health issues and so have a care for those a) with chronic health issues, and b) preventing others from gaining them. If you have a specific issue, talk to a health-care professional or your trainer about solving this problem, they are there to help. If you would like some general advice, please do contact me and I will give you what assistance I can.

A “sort of” Correction

          The title of this article is “The “Female” Guard”. It could just as easily be entitled the “wide-angled” guard, or several other names. I primarily teach this guard to female students due to the anatomical differences between males and females, and due to the ill-fit that most of the typical guards found in many treatises have with the female body. I do not claim that it will suit every female, or that it is only for females. If you find the guard useful, please use it.

Why is this important?

          Why is this important? This guard is important because it is a first step in the prevention of knee and hip injury, and the prevention of the risk of such injury. It is also a step toward making fencing more comfortable for the female fencer. Regardless of gender or body-shape, every fencer should be looking toward the prevention of injury, regardless of what kind.

          In the examination of hip position as it relates to injury risk, a person must examine the differences between male and female position of the hips both in a static position, but also in motion, because they will both affect the characteristics and potential of injury. The first thing that will be noted is that there is a difference in the structure of male and female hips, and it is due to this structure that males and females move differently. This results in different injury risks.


“Men and women have different passive hip ROM measurements, and as a result, require different degrees of force closure across the joint to maintain stability. Further, injury patterns and dysfunctions involving the hip and its affects on the pelvic girdle can be different in men and women.”[1]


          The range of motion (ROM) is different for males and females due to the different structure; the body can only move certain ways because of the structure. This results in different movement patterns during walking and running between. While walking is closer to footwork the same resulting differences in gait between the genders needs to be noted, as it relates to the same indicated injury risk if the body is not placed in an advantageous position.


“Gender differences in kinematics during running have been speculated to be a contributing factor to the lower extremity injury rate disparity between men and women.”[2]


          Simply explained, males and females move differently, and it is because of these differences in movement that females have a higher risk of lower extremity,  primarily knee injury, because of the way they move. This is because of developmental changes that occur within the body which change the muscular structure and control altering the action of the body. This causes the tendency toward injury.

Muscular Activation


“During puberty, females undergo bone and muscle changes that often create laxity, or joint instability, that limit neuromuscular control in lower extremities. To compensate for this lack of control, female knee joints tend to rotate inward as weight is applied. This places strain on tendons and ligaments, and increases the risk of tear and injury.”[3]


          The indicated tendency of the knee to roll inward results in an instability in the structure and excess stress on tendons and ligaments, and an increase potential for damage. Such strain is worsened during movement such as running, and even walking. This is partially because of the wider female hips and the increased angle resulting between hip and knee, but there is more to this explanation, such as patterns of muscle activation.[4]

          There has been a tendency to blame the issue present on this angle, which is created between the hip and the knee, known as the “Q Angle”. There is muscular involvement, which is important for the explanation of this weakness. The lack of alignment is only part of the answer, the muscular issue compounds this issue which leads to failure, they also have a job to do.


“no pre-activation of the posterior kinetic chain resulting in more force – both internal and external forces – applied upon ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee joint, ultimately resulting in a situation of stress that can lead to mechanical failure (failure equals injury, more likely than not involving the anterior cruciate ligament).”[5]


          The posterior kinetic chain is the muscles which are connected behind the legs and up the back, which help keep you upright. Without its pre-activation, force is applied to other parts of the body, the ligaments and tendons which are not used to such forces. This can lead to failure and injury; it usually occurs at the weakest point which is the knee.

Knee Injury

          Due to the variety of factors which have been presented previously, structure of hips, muscular development and activation, and movement style, females are more likely to suffer a knee injury. Such remarks concern about running, but other athletic activity involving similar active motions where stress is placed upon the leg could also be included.

This is a result of the way females move. The hips move differently to males when they are running, but also when they are walking. [6] The differences are important as they relates to differences in movement of the lower extremities. It is a caution that should be taken to heart as it is not just running that is an issue.


“This all means that women will be at greater risk for knee injuries while performing in sports or physical activities than their male counterparts, especially anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.”[7]


          Care needs to be taken when performing in all sports and physical activities to make sure that the knee is in the correct position, and the hip is in the correct position to do the best to prevent injury either to the knee or the hip. Females should not stop sports or other physical activities; there should be active preventions present.

Injury Prevention

          Preventing an injury is always better than rehabilitating after an injury and that goes for any injury. Here, the fencer should be paying attention to the position of their hip in relation to their knee. They should be paying attention to the position of their knee in general. The guard that is taught is meant to correct the position of both the hip and the knee to ensure that both are supported properly in actions. Part of this prevention of injury is in correction which will be spoken about later.

Generally Different

          Females and males are different, they are different on an obvious physical level; they are also different on the psychological level. It is something that needs to be acknowledged by teachers and trainers of all kinds, regardless of whether they are teaching physical or other skills. The way that the lesson is delivered and the methods which are described should be changed to suit the individual.

Figure 1: Drawing human body - female-anatomy-for-artist
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/EduMoLDeS/drawing-human-body-femaleanatomyforartist


          There has been a tendency, for a long period, of a “one size fits all” approach to fencing, which ignores physical differences, and gender differences among them. This has not been helpful, some will and have succeeded while others have lagged, “refusing to address the issues that differentiate men and women is not helpful either.”[8] Training should be modified to suit the individual so all may excel, and part of this is acknowledging the difference between male and female.


          Females and males will perform the same task, such as throwing a ball in a different manner, “Women and men perform many athletic tasks in a sex-specific manner.”[9] This is because of the structural differences between males and females. Females move differently because they are built differently, this will become clear as the focus of the discussion moves toward the pelvis and gait.[10]

          When gait is discussed, the primary discussion concerns walking, but running is considered, as it is a form of gait. In the case of the fencer, footwork is a form of gait, and the female will perform the actions of footwork in a slightly different manner due to the differences in pelvic structure. Another study evident differences in gender were present, as “statistically significant effects of “sex,” which were independent of running speed.”[11] So there were effects of gender on movement which were independent of running speed.

          Due to the different structure of the male and female, there is a different centre of mass, with the female’s being slightly lower than the male’s. Gait changes between male and female due to the different centre of mass.[12] There are differences between male and female on a physical and psychological form, and these need to be acknowledged so that both can be trained effectively.

Anatomical Discussions

          The focus of the discussion is the hips and their placement. To assist this discussion the structure of the pelvic girdle will be discussed, what is commonly referred to as the hips, “The pelvic girdle (hip girdle) is formed by a single bone, the hip bone or coxal bone (coxal = “hip”), which serves as the attachment point for each lower limb.”[13] This single bone is actually made up of several different parts, like the skull which come together to support one another, and most of the body. The structure is important for within these structures we find the differences between male and female that are so important.

The differences between the female and male pelvis will be presented and the reasons for their differences explained. We know that the pelvis is necessary, an essential part of the body but knowing some of the details on an anatomical level allows us to understand why the positioning of the pelvis is so important.


“the bones of the pelvis are strongly united to each other to form a largely immobile, weight-bearing structure. This is important for stability because it enables the weight of the body to be easily transferred laterally from the vertebral column, through the pelvic girdle and hip joints, and into either lower limb whenever the other limb is not bearing weight. Thus, the immobility of the pelvis provides a strong foundation for the upper body as it rests on top of the mobile lower limbs.”[14]


          There are elements of the pelvis which are universal, because they are necessary for human beings to function. Knowing these features of the pelvis familiarises us with the pelvis and allows us to be more familiar with the subject which is being discussed, and the form and reason for the pelvis.


          There are some obvious physical differences between females and males when we examine the sexual organs, however the differences between male and female go beyond these differences. They go far beyond surface appearances.[15]

To be more specific these differences are found in the structural elements. The differences can be found in more anatomical differences than simply organs. “There are many significant anatomical, structural and functional differences between the male and female bony pelvises.”[16]

          The human pelvis of the modern human homo sapiens sapiens evolved over millions of years to its present form. This evolutionary change can be followed through the archaeological record from our earliest ancestors who walked with a stooped gait all the way up to our modern selves who walk upright. This change in locomotion required a change in structure a change in our pelvis.

          A further change was required in our structure was needed in female bodies as our brains grew, “the female pelvis evolved to allow the birth of large-brained infants”[17]. The change in our pelvis is important as it is a change which took many millennia and changed our bodies to what they are now; the purpose of our bodies determined their structure.[18]


“The geometry of bony pelvis differs significantly between males and females – the phenomena caused by adaptation to the obstetric demands. Females have a relatively larger and rounder pelvic cavity, a shorter and more posteriorly projecting sacrum, a wider subpubic angle, and smaller acetabula with a larger distance between them.”[19]


          Female bodies are evolutionarily formed for the purpose of child-rearing. Adding our evolutionary changes toward walking upright and toward bigger brains, this led toward other developments in our bodies. Females have wider pelvises while, “Male pelves are not constrained by the issue of childbirth, and thus are narrower and more optimal for bipedal locomotion.”[20] This goes toward the evolutionary purpose of the male and female. From an evolutionary perspective and the perspective of the structure of the body, the male’s body is built to have stronger muscles, evidence for this is found in our skeletal structure.


“A male pelvis is smaller and narrower in nature which is designed to support a heavy body build and a stronger muscle structure while a female pelvis is wider and roomier and mainly serves for the purpose of childbearing.”[21]


          The heavier build of muscle in the male is seen in our evolutionary cousins the apes, especially in gorillas where the male is much larger than the female. We can see how the pelvis relates to the function of the individual, the power of the male requiring stronger muscles while the female’s purpose is primarily for child-rearing. It is not the “evolutionary purpose” of the structure, which is important to the discussion, but the difference in the structure. The evolution of the body shows the path to how we got here and the reason for the structures which we now possess. Figure 2 (below) depicts an image of a female pelvic girdle (above) presented with a male pelvic girdle (below) so the differences can be seen.

Differences are clear in the human skeleton, the wider pelvis of the female, for example. “The pubic arch is usually wider in the female pelvis at about >80°.”[22] Allows for a larger head on the baby, thus allowing for a larger brain, as shown previously; the male skeleton and pelvis does not require this structure, so it is narrower. “While in the male it is heart shaped, and narrow. A male pelvis has a v-shaped pubic arch that is approximately <70°.”[23] So there is a distinctive difference in the connection and angle between the femur and the lower extremities. Even the acetabulum, which the head of the femur sits at the hip joint, the socket, is of a different shape.[24]

          The biggest difference between the male pelvis and the female pelvis is the female is wider than the male pelvis. This is the simple difference; other differences have been noted, however this simple difference has a greatest effect upon the motion of the male compared to the female, as there are biomechanical considerations to be made. In its simplest form, the wider hips of the female make them more prone to torsion knee injuries, simply due to the form. The “female” guard addresses this by acknowledging this difference and working with it.

The Acetabulum and the Femur

          While the focus of the discussion is mostly upon the hips, we must not forget what is joined to the hips. So, there must be a discussion of the lower extremities. The position of the hips will affect these lower extremities.

          The female’s wider hips creates an increased angle between the hip and the knee and thus between the lower leg, which will be affected by the position the individual takes in their guard position. The “female” guard attempts to neutralize this angle. However, we must discuss those bony parts of the body which result in such angles of difference between the male and the female.

There is a very good image (Figure 3, below), very relevant to our study as it shows the pelvis in a seated position and shows the acetabulum of the male and female next to one another. The seated position is useful, in a correct guard position the pelvis should be almost in a seated position. The acetabulum will determine, in part, how far the leg will be able to move.

Figure 3: Pelvis in seated position - Source: Wang, S. et.al. (2004) “Gender Differences in Hip Anatomy: Possible Implications for Injury Tolerance in Frontal Collisions”, 48th Annual Proceedings: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, September 13-15, 2004


          The acetabulum is where the femur connects to the pelvis and the shape of it will decide how the femur is able to move. The position of the pelvis decides the position of the acetabulum and possible movement of the femur and lower leg. There are some marked differences.

          The acetabulum is on the side of the pelvis and is part of the hip joint, the socket. There are variances between male and females in the shape of their pelvises. There are differences in the shape of the acetabulum between male and female. The position and shape of the pelvis results in further differences. The female has smaller acetabula with a larger distance between them.[25] The larger distance between them is caused by the wider pelvis and results in the wider valgus angle.

It is necessary to investigate the root cause of the position of the femur and the lower leg when examining this issue and difference between the male and female. The examination of the acetabulum tells us the reason the femur is positioned differently in females and that that there is different movement in gait.

          The male acetabulum faces more to the side while the female acetabulum faces more to the front. This simple difference has significance in the positioning of the femur and lower leg. It would be easier for the male to line their feet up with their knees with the narrower stance simply because their pelvis allows them to turn their legs in this manner, allowing them to line their knees up, while the female pelvis is less inclined to do so.

End of the first part...

The parts of the body involved in movement have been discussed and their differences highlighted, but in fencing, as with other activities, the body moves. This movement is related to how the parts of the body sit according to the structures which are found in the body. What will be found as a result is that males and females, based on their structural components, their body parts, move differently. This needs to be taken into account by the teacher and trainer, but this is a discussion for the next part, which will be published next week.




Betts, J. et.al. (2013) “8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis” in Anatomy and Physiology, OpenStax, Houston, Texas https://openstax.org/books/anatomy-and-physiology/pages/8-3-the-pelvic-girdle-and-pelvis, [accessed 21/2/22]

 Breaking Muscle (2017) “The Difference Between Male And Female Biomechanics In Strength Training” in Editorial, Breaking Muscle (22 Sept 2017), https://breakingmuscle.com/fitness/the-difference-between-male-and-female-biomechanics-in-strength-training/, [accessed 21/2/22]

 Chumanov, E., Wall-Scheffler, C. and Heiderscheit, B. (2008) “Gender differences in walking and running on level and inclined surfaces”, Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 1260–1268, doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2008.07.011

 Graci PhD, V., Van Dillen PT, PhD, L., and Salsich PT, PhD, G. (2012) “Gender Differences in Trunk, Pelvis and Lower Limb Kinematics During a Single Leg Squat” in Gait Posture. 2012 Jul; 36(3): 461–466, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3407338/, [accessed 21/1/22]

 Hunt, D. et. al. (2010) “Gender differences in passive hip range of motion in asymptomatic adults”, 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles 2010

 Lewis, C. et. al. (2017) “The Human Pelvis: Variation in Structure and Function During Gait” in The Anatomical Record (Volume 300, Issue 4, p.633-642), https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ar.23552, [accessed 21/01/2022]

 Lumen Learning (2022) “The Hip” in Boundless Anatomy and Physiology, https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-ap/chapter/the-hip/#:~:text=The, [accessed 21/1/22]

 Mohr, M. et. al. (2021) “Sex-Specific Hip Movement Is Correlated with Pelvis and Upper Body Rotation During Running” in frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2021.657357/full

 Nakahara, I. et. al. (2009) “The Gender Difference of Normal Hip Joint Anatomy”, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Osaka, Japan.

 Rahimi, A., Arab, A., and Nourbakhsh, M. (2020) “Gender Differences in Pelvic and Lower Limb Kinematics during Walking in People with Chronic Low Back Pain”, Biomed Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 28(4)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004697

 Å avlovskis, J. and Kristaps, R. (2021) “The Bony Pelvis & Gender Differences in Pelvic Anatomy” Anatomy Standard (12 Aug 2021),  https://www.anatomystandard.com/Pelvis/Pelvis.html, [accessed 21/1/22]

 Steenerson, L. (2014) “Physical differences between men and women regarding training”, Life Assurance (9 Feb 2014), https://womenselfprotection.blogspot.com/2014/02/sical-differences-between-men-and-women.html, [accessed 21/1/22]

 Tamon, G. (2011) “Difference Between Female Pelvis and Male Pelvis”, Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects (31 Aug 2011), www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-female-pelvis-and-male-pelvis/, [accessed 21/1/22]

Walker, H. (2019) Un-Blogged: A Fencer's Ramblings, Sword and Book Enterprises, Brisbane, Australia

 Wang, S. et.al. (2004) “Gender Differences in Hip Anatomy: Possible Implications for Injury Tolerance in Frontal Collisions”, 48th Annual Proceedings: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, September 13-15, 2004

 Zidon, Dr. H. (2019) “Differences Between the Male and Female Bony Pelvises”, Complete Anatomy Community Blog, Elsevier,  https://3d4medical.com/blog/differences-between-the-male-and-female-bony-pelvises-anatomy-slices, [accessed 9/3/22]


[1] Hunt, D. et. al. (2010) “Gender differences in passive hip range of motion in asymptomatic adults”, 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles 2010

[2] Chumanov, E., Wall-Scheffler, C. and Heiderscheit, B. (2008) “Gender differences in walking and running on level and inclined surfaces”, Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 1260–1268, doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2008.07.011, p.1260

[3] Steenerson, L. (2014) “Physical differences between men and women regarding training”, Life Assurance (9 Feb 2014), https://womenselfprotection.blogspot.com/2014/02/sical-differences-between-men-and-women.html, [accessed 21/1/22]

[4] Breaking Muscle (2017) “The Difference Between Male And Female Biomechanics In Strength Training” in Editorial, Breaking Muscle (22 Sept 2017), https://breakingmuscle.com/fitness/the-difference-between-male-and-female-biomechanics-in-strength-training/, [accessed 21/2/22]

[5] ibid.

[6] Chumanov, E. et.al. (2008), p.1260

[7] Steenerson, L. (2014)

[8] Breaking Muscle (2017)

[9] Mohr, M. et. al. (2021) “Sex-Specific Hip Movement Is Correlated With Pelvis and Upper Body Rotation During Running” in frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2021.657357/full

[10] Lewis, C. et. al. (2017) “The Human Pelvis: Variation in Structure and Function During Gait” in The Anatomical Record (Volume 300, Issue 4, p.633-642), https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ar.23552, [accessed 21/01/2022]

[11] Mohr, M. et. al. (2021)

[12] Lewis, C. et. al. (2017)

[13] Betts, J. et.al. (2013) “8.3 The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis” in Anatomy and Physiology, OpenStax, Houston, Texas https://openstax.org/books/anatomy-and-physiology/pages/8-3-the-pelvic-girdle-and-pelvis, [accessed 21/2/22]

[14] Betts, J. et.al. (2013)

[15] Nakahara, I. et. al. (2009) “The Gender Difference of Normal Hip Joint Anatomy”, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Osaka, Japan.

[16] Zidon, Dr. H. (2019) “Differences Between the Male and Female Bony Pelvises”, Complete Anatomy Community Blog, Elsevier,  https://3d4medical.com/blog/differences-between-the-male-and-female-bony-pelvises-anatomy-slices, [accessed 9/3/22]

[17] Lewis, C. et. al. (2017)

[18] A functionalist perspective to be true, but most of what is being spoken about is about the function of the anatomy.

[19] Å avlovskis, J. and Kristaps, R. (2021) “The Bony Pelvis & Gender Differences in Pelvic Anatomy” Anatomy Standard (12 Aug 2021),  https://www.anatomystandard.com/Pelvis/Pelvis.html, [accessed 21/1/22]

[20] Lumen Learning (2022) “The Hip” in Boundless Anatomy and Physiology, https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-ap/chapter/the-hip/#:~:text=The, [accessed 21/1/22]

[21] Tamon, G. (2011) “Difference Between Female Pelvis and Male Pelvis”, Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects (31 Aug 2011), www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-female-pelvis-and-male-pelvis/, [accessed 21/1/22]

[22] Zidon, Dr. H. (2019)

[23] ibid.

[24] Tamon, G. (2011)

[25] Å avlovskis, J. and Kristaps, R. (2021)

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