original thought for what follows was to seek weapons of perfect length for own
purposes. This would be not to go out and actually acquire said weapons, but to
examine the lengths and compare them to the ones that I am currently using.
Instead, I thought it would be more useful to examine various theorists’
preferences for weapon length, and what follows is not an exhaustive list of
weapons or theorists. This can then move on to a discussion of other things
related to weapon length such as weapon proportion and its importance.
With regard
to weapon length preference, there is a general organisation between determined
and proportional for the examination of the theorist’s preferences. There will also
be the question of the importance of choosing a weapon length as several
theorists do not designate a weapon preference, the reasons for the choice of
weapon length, and how the weapon length relates to both the form of combat and
its foundation.
With regard
to the evidence presented, some will come from primary texts and others will
come from secondary texts, based on primary texts. The conclusions drawn from
the evidence and discussion made with regard to reasons for these choices of
weapon length are, however, my own and based upon my own understanding of the
various weapons and their use. Please excuse the lack of bibliographical
details where they have not been included, in most cases period works simply
are referenced by author and date.
Length Determined
What is
most interesting is that some theorists discussed weapon length while others
did not. More interestingly is that there is a clear trend for theorists not to
discuss the dimensions of the weapon rather than to discuss them. This could
come down to a couple of reasons, either the length of the weapon was not
considered important, or that the student should be appropriately fitted for
his weapon before consulting with the teacher. Another reason could also be is
that the weapon length could be decided for a duel, so weapon length would be
up to the chooser and thus not appropriate to be discussed in the context of
learning. In any case, what will be found below is a mix of weapons
proportional and also simply determined.
The length
of a weapon could be chosen for different reasons. The proportional measurement
of weapons makes most sense as this fits the weapon to the individual who would
be using it and thus, by rationale make it the most suitable weapon for the
individual to use. Other measurements of weapons however are simply determined
by the author. Swetnam states "thy weapon fowre foot long or there
about," (Swetnam, 1617). He gives no rationale simply a statement of fact.
It would be assumed that this length of weapon is the one that either he is most
comfortable with or has found most suitable for what he is teaching. What is
most interesting is that a similar determination for length is also made with
regard to the Spanish Tradition.
Swetnam gives a weapon length approximate and would seem to indicate a weapon
length which may be longer, the Spanish seem to go in the other direction
determining the maximum length of the weapon. “According to the canonical
authors, the length of the weapon should be no longer than 5/4 vara. That’s an
upper limit just a bit over 41 inches.” (Curtis, 2010). This indicates that a
weapon should have a maximum length, but a preference for a shorter one. The
weapon length determined here is echoed by Pacheco de Narváez and Francisco
Lórenz de Rada (Curtis, 2010). This would indicate that for the Spanish
tradition it is better to have a weapon shorter than longer, this weapon
preference and choice of form and method of play have a clear relation to one
Length Proportional
To broaden
the scope and moving on to a shorter, but equally essential weapon, examination
needs to be made of Vadi’s determination for dagger length. The length of this
weapon is proportional to the user, as are all Vadi’s weapons. He states that “The
length of the dagger should be just to the elbow, with an edge and two corners.
The grip should be the length of the fist, as the shape is shown depicted here
below.” (Windsor, 2012:173). This keeps the dagger proportional to the user, a
shorter dagger would not cover the forearm for some of Vadi’s defences and a
longer one would likely get in the way.
applies a similar reasoning with regard to proportionality with regard to his
primary weapon the longsword, “proportionate to the wielder, reaching from the
ground to the armpit, with a long hilt, rounded pommel and an equally long,
squared and pointed cross guard.” (Porzio and Mele, 2002:12). Clearly the
weapon is proportional to the user of the weapon as determined by the length of
the weapon overall. What is also noted is that such proportionality in the
weapon is further highlighted in the formation of the hilt. The handle is
determined to be a span long, and the cross guard, the same length as the
handle and pommel together (Porzio and Mele, 2002:45).
Even George Silver states that
the two-handed sword needs to be proportional to the user’s other weapons, “The
perfect length of your two handed sword is, the blade to be the length of the
blade of your single sword.” (Silver, 1599). It should be noted that there was
little considered difference between the long and two-handed swords in their
description in the treatises. Needless to say, with all of his vehemence
against the long Italian weapons, he makes clear statement as to the perfect
length of his single sword.
“To know the perfect length of
your sword, you shall stand with your sword and dagger drawn, as you see this picture,
keeping out straight your dagger arm, drawing back your sword as far as ...
The rest of this article can be found in Un-Blogged: A Fencer's Ramblings by Henry Walker, which is available in paperback from:
Among other places...
It is also available in electronic format (pdf) from:
... or direct from the author.
Curtis, P. (2010) Destreza:
Choosing a Weapon for the Spanish
Porzio, L. and Mele, G. (2002) Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi: 15th Century Swordsmanship of
Master Filippo Vadi, Chivalry Bookshelf, Union City
Windsor, G. (2012) Veni
Vadi Vici: A Transcription and Commentary of Philippo Vadi’s De Arte
Gladiatoria Dimicandi, The School of European Swordsmanship