Each system proposed by a theorist or practitioner is founded on some basic principles. The understanding of these principles is what the system is founded upon. Aside from the typical theoretical elements such as time and distance, there are also some foundation practical elements which are the keys to understanding the system which is being presented. These practical elements will appear and reappear throughout the system which is being presented. In the case of Giacomo di Grassi and His True Art of Defense (1594), these foundation practical elements are found in his wards and his footwork.
Of Wards
In di
Grassi’s opinion the ward is a position in which a person may withstand the
attack of the opponent, or may perform a simple action from them in order to
defend himself. Its second purpose is a place form which to launch an attack against the opponent. This action should be simple enough to cover all parts of the
body from the correct ward, and a large action means an inefficient ward. Thus
the ward must be formed properly. The ward is a place to settle after an action
in order to consider his next action, or in expectation of the opponent’s
action against him.
The foundation weapon for di Grassi's system is the single sword, as is found in many manuals. He uses the single sword in order to depict all of the basic forms which will be presented throughout the following forms. For the
single sword there are three wards. Neither in di Grassi’s opinion need there be any
more, “for that one onlie ſtraight
line, which is the ſword, maie
not couer, defend and eaſilie
offend after anie other maner.” The three wards of which di Grassi speaks are the High Ward, Broad Ward and Low Ward. These are the positions from which the fencer will start and therefore are the foundation from which things are learnt.
Even within this foundation there is another foundation element to be found, and that is the basic form of the wards. Each has the right foot forward, the body straight, knees bent and left arm extended toward the opponent. The feet are shoulder-width apart and the left side tends to be more toward the enemy in order to reduce the profile. What should be noted is that there is also an option available for the right foot to the rear rather than forward.
The High Ward
The High ward is formed from the drawing of the sword from the scabbard, just like Agrippa's first ward. It is also called the first ward as in Agrippa. In di Grassi's opinion this only just qualifies as a ward due to its open position, however used correctly it can defend the whole person. In order to achieve this, the point of the weapon must be turned downward toward the opponent. Thus the ward is formed with the arm high from the shoulder with the knuckles of the sword hand high in first position, however the point of the weapon is not parallel to the ground nor horizontal, it is obliquely positioned, pointed downward toward the opponent.
From this position he states that the fencer should gather his hind foot to his forefoot, and make a thrust "above hand" or as an imbroccata, with the hand in first position at the enemy. In this as in all the other wards a line should be drawn from the point of the weapon toward the enemy, this may be bent in order to strike another part, but the point should follow this line directly against the opponent. The point must be pointed downward at the enemy, lest he pass beneath it and strike the fencer before it descends, however it should also not be too low, or it may be beaten off by the opponent's sword. From this position the fencer may also beat off the opponent's weapon downward using the force and create an opportunity to strike.
The Broad Ward
The Broad Ward is the second ward, it is called "broad" because the arm is stretched wide from the ...
The rest of this article can be found in Un-Blogged: A Fencer's Ramblings by Henry Walker, which is available in paperback from:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Blogged-Ramblings-Henry-Leigh-Walker/dp/098764470X
Booktopia: https://www.booktopia.com.au/un-blogged-henry-leigh-walker/book/9780987644701.html
Among other places...
It is also available in electronic format (pdf) from: https://buy.stripe.com/fZecP419c7CB9VKeUV
... or direct from the author.