What appears below is a transcription of Giacomo di Grassi's Rapier and Cloak from the 1595 edition of "His True Art of Defence". I have not included the image from the source, but have placed a marker in its place, but the spelling and punctuation is as close to the original as could possibly be transcribed. Enjoy.
The Rapier and Cloake
That I maie continue in the weapons which are moſt vſuall
and moſt commonly worne: After the Dagger, I come to the Cloake: The vſe
whereof was firſt founde out by chaunce and after reduced into Arte. Neither
was this for any other cauſe then for that nature doth not onely delight to
inuent things, but alſo to preſerue them being inuented. And that ſhee may the
better doe it, ſhee taketh for her helpe all thoſe things that are commodious
for her. Wherefore, as men in diuers accidẽts haue caſually proued, that the Cloak helpeth greatly (for as
much as they are to weare it daily) they haue deuiſed how they may behaue
themſelues in all that, in which the Cloak may ſerue their turne. Which
accidents, becauſe they are infinite, & do not generally ſerue for our
purpoſe, I wil reſtraine my ſelfe and ſpeake of thoſe onely which appertaine to
this Arte, the which are ſuch and ſo effectuall, that they may greatly helpe to
the obteining of ſafe victorie, if they happen to be placed in ſuch a man as
knoweth howe to vſe and handle them. And for that in true Arte it doth little
preuaile, the vſe thereof being in a manner altogether deceitfull, I was
reſolued to put ouer all this to the treatiſe of Deceit, as vnto his proper
place. Notwithſtanding, to the ende it may not ſeeme ſtrange to any man, to
read nothing of the Cloak in al the handling of true Arte, I am minded to laye
downe a certaine fewe blowes in the accuſtomed wardes, referring the more
abundant handling thereof vnto the treatiſe of Deceit.
The manner how to handle the Cloake
As the Cloake in this Arte, hath in it three things to be
conſidered, to witt: length, largeneſſe, and flexibilitie: ſo it is to be wayed
how far each of theſe will ſtretch, to ſerue the turne. Of which three, one
doth properly belong vnto it, and that is flexibilitie, which maie neither be
encreaſed nor diminiſhed: The other two, may receiue alteration. But yet it is
at any hande to be prouided, that theſe two alſo be not diminiſhed. For the
Cloake is no ſtrong thing, which of it ſelfe may withſtand the blowes of the
weapon, being directly oppoſed againſt them.
And therefore he ſhall proue
himſelfe but a foole who truſting to the Cloth wrapped about his arme, doth
encounter any right edgeblowe therewith. For ſeeing the Cloake is not flexible
in that parte (which flexibilitie is his onely ſtrength) litle preuaileth
either length or largenes, wrapped about a ſolide ſubſtãce. But being oppoſite in that parte thereof, where it hath
length, largenes and flexibilitie (which is from the arme downwardes) it is
auailable: for all three being ioyned togither will warde any edgeblow: which
manner of warding ſhould not be ſo ſure, if the cloake had onely length and
flexibilitie: for hauing behind it litle ayre, which is the thing that doeth ſtrengthen it, it may eaſily be beaten too, and cut, by any great blowe.
Therefore, if a man haue ſo much lieſure, he ought to wrapp his Cloake once or
twice about his arme, taking it by the Cape or coller, and folding his arme
therein vp to the elbowe, and therewithall to warde all edgeblowes from the
flanke thereof downwardes, aſwell on the right ſide, as on the left ſide,
alwaies remembring to carrie his foote differing from his arme, for the
auoyding of danger that may riſe by bearing his legg on the ſelfeſame ſide,
neere his cloak knowing the Cloak wardeth not when there is any harde ſubſtance
behind it.
alſo themſelues, may be giuen without if with the Cloake, or with the hand in
the Cloake, the enimies ſworde be beaten off, one handfull within the poynt
thereof. For the edge hauing but ſmall power in that caſe, is not hable in ſo
litle time, to cut the hand. The blowes alſo, aſwell of the poynt, as of the
edge, from the flanke vpwardes, ought to be warded with the ſworde; For to lift
the arme ſo high being burdened with the waight of the Cloak, which naturally
draweth downwards, as it is violent thing it is alſo perilous, leaſt the arme
be placed in ſteede of the Cloake, and ſo reſt wounded, or left the arme or
Cloake be placed before the eyes, which by that meanes remaine blinded.
An Aduertifement concerning the warding and wrapping of the Cloake.
There are two waies (in theſe daies) to wrappe the Cloake,
the one is, when one hauing leaſure taketh the Cloake by the cape or coller,
and ſo fouldeth it once or twice about his arme: The other is, as often times
it falleth out, when letting the Cloke fall downe from the ſhoulder, it is
happelie taken by one ſide, & ſo is turned once or twice about the arme.
Nowe as
concerning ſtriking, a man ought in the handling of theſe weapons as he would ſtrike, firſt to increaſe and carrie the one foote neere to the other, and then
farther to increaſe a halfe, not a whole pace, as in other weapons: For at
theſe weapons, it is daungerous leaſt (making a whole pace) he entangle his
foote or feete in the Cloake and fall downe therewith. And this muſt be taken
heede of, in the firſt and ſecond foulding, but principallie in the ſecond,
becauſe in it the Cloake is longer, and therefore doth more eaſilie touch the
earth & intangle his feet: In the firſt fold, although the cloak touch not
the earth, becauſe the arme doth orderlie beare it, yet by reaſon of werines,
the arme falleth & cauſeth the foreſaid effect.
[Insert image here]
The hurt of the high ward at Rapier and Clok.
In theſe maner of weapons, as in others, I will frame three
wardes: The firſt by the foreſaid reaſons, ſhall be the high warde, which in
theſe kind of wepons more then in anie other deſerue the name of a ward. For
the Rapier (ſomething bending) wardeth as farre as the clok hand, and the
clokhand down to the middle legg: foe that in this ward a man is warded from
the top of the head down to the foot.
Therefore ſtanding at this warde, whether it be with the right foote before or behinde,
he may deliuer a thruſt with the encreaſe of a halfe pace forwards, ſtaying
himſelfe in the lowe warde.
The right
edgeblowe ought to be deliuered from the wriſt without any motion of the feete,
reſting in the lowe warde: but in deliuering of the reuerſe, it is neceſſarie
to fetch a whole pace, and in a manner ſtraight. If the enemie warde it with
his ſworde, then the encounter of the enemies ſworde, muſt be ſtayed ſuddenly
with the Cloake-hand in the firſt part thereof, and a thruſt be deliuered
vnderneath, with the encreaſe of a ſtraight pace.
The defence of the thruſt, right and reuerſed blowes of the high warde at
Rapier and Cloake.
For the better auoyding of the hurts which proceede from the
high warde: it is neceſſarie to ſtande at the lowe warde, in the which the
thruſt is to be warded iiij. manner of waies, to wit: either with the ſingle ſworde within and without, either with the ſingle Cloake within and without. If
with the ſingle ſword within, it is requiſite to fetch a compas with the foot
backwards on the right ſide. In like caſe to turne the bodie the ſame waie, to
the intent, to carrie it out of the ſtraight lyne (in which the blowe commeth)
and to driue a reuerſed thruſt at the face, the which thruſt in ſuch order
deliuereth is the longeſt that is, and ſuch a one, as thereby the hurt is not
onely voyded, but alſo at the ſelfeſame time, the enimie is ſtroken in the
face. If it chaunce, that the ſworde be encountered without then it is not
onely profitable but alſo neceſſarie, to ſtep forwardes and with the Cloake to
encounter the enimies ſworde in the firſt parte thereof. And recouering his
owne ſworde, to diſcharge a thruſt vnderneath with the encreaſe of the right
foote. And although it be laide down for a rule, not to vſe a whole pace in
handling of the Cloake, this ought to be vnderſtoode in ſtriking, in the which
(whileſt one endeuoureth to ſtrike with his ſworde) it may be forgetting the
Cloake, his arme may fall, by meanes whereof he may ſtumble againſt it: but in
warding, it doth not ſo happen. For nature being carefull to defende her ſelfe
(at euery litle danger) lifteth vp both her armes, yea, although they be
oppreſſed with waight and burden.
it is not be feared, that in warding this thruſt, his hand will be drawen downe
by the waight of the Cloake.
The ſame
wardes and defences may be vſed with the ſingle Cloake, in which, one muſt
likewiſe ſtrike, with the encreaſe of the right foote. This maner of warding is
not verie ſure, and therefore it requireth great actiuitie and deepe iudgement,
conſidering he ought to beare his Cloake and arme ſtretched out before him,
& to marke when the enimies ſwords poynt ſhall paſſe within the Cloakhand
one handful or litle more: and not to ſuffer it to paſſe farther, but to beat
it off, and encreaſing to diſcharge a thruſt vnderneath; with the encreaſe of a
pace with the right foote. But as I haue ſaide, this manner of warding hath
litle certaintie and great perill in it, and yet it ſtriketh well, if it be
done in ſhort time.
The right
edgeblowe may in like manner be warded with the ſingle ſworde or cloake: but
when it cõmeth aloft, it ſhall not be
commodious to encounter it with the ſingle cloake, for by that meanes the eyes
blinde themſelues. How much this importeth, let others iudge. But, when the ſaide right blo we commeth in manner lowe, ſo that it may well be warded,
keeping the enimie in fight, then the cloake is to be oppoſed, with the
encreaſe of the left pace, &; preſently thereupon, a thruſt to be
diſcharged, with the encreaſe of a right pace.
When one oppoſeth the ſingle ſworde
againſt the right blowe, he muſt driue a thruſt at the face, & fetch a
compas with his hinder foote, cutting the face with the ſaide thruſt and ſtaie
himſelfe in the broad ward. The ſelfe fame muft be done, when he defendeth him ſelfe with both together, to wit, with the ſword and cloake.
Againft the reuerſed blowe, the ſelfe ſame manner is vſed in warding to wit, either with the one, or with the
other, either with both ioyned together.
With the cloake, by the encreaſe of
a pace, and by encountring the enimies fworde, as farre forwards as is
poffible, that thereby it may be done the more commodioufly, deliuering a
thruft therewithall vnderneath, with the encreafe of a pace of the right foot.
With the ſingle Rapier, the ſame
defence may ſuffice, which is layde downe in the treatiſe of the ſingle Rapier,
and that is, to diſcharge a thruſt at the enimies thigh, the which withſtandeth
the full of the reuerſed blowe.
Nowe, if one would defend himſelfe
with both theſe weapons ioyned togither, he muſt encreaſe a pace with the right
foot, &; ſtaying the enimies ſword with his cloake, recouer his owne ſworde
nimbly, and then deliuer a thruſt with the encreaſe of a pace of the right
The hurt of the broad warde, at Rapier and Cloake.
In this warde, as well as in others, a man may both thruſt
and ſtrike, yet diuerſly: For he may not diſcharge a right edgeblowe beneath.
And the reuerſe is manifeſtly dangerous: So that, when he is to deliuer it, he
ought to perfourme in this order.
Firft, he ſhall driue a thruſt, fetching a compas with his hinder foote, that by that
meanes it may reach the farther, then ſuddenly (without mouing of himſelfe) he ſhall diſcharge a right edgeblowe, from the wriſt, after the which preſently,
the reuerſe muſt followe, with the encreaſe of a pace of the right foote: and
further, muſt follow on with the thruſt alreadie prepared, and increaſe the
like pace.
The defence of the broad warde, at Rapier and Cloake.
To him that will ſafely warde himſelfe from the hurt of the
broad warde, it is requiſite, that he ſtand at the lowe warde. And when the
thruſt vnderneath hand commeth, he ſhall thruſt at the face, fetching a compas
with his hinder foote towardes the right ſide, with which kinde of thruſt, it
doth lightly happen that the enimie is hit in the face: but if it faile, yet
for all that, the enimie obtaineth not his purpoſe, in the diſcharge of the
thruſt of the broad warde: For by deliuering the thruſt vnderneath, and
compaſſing of the hinder foote, the bodie is carried out of the ſtraight lyne:
So that, as ſoone as the thruſt is deliuered at the face, and the foote to be
plucked backe, ſetling in the broad warde. To warde the right and reuerſed blows,
there is a thruſt to be giuen at the thighes or ſome other place that may moſt
hinder them, in the verie fame time that ſuch blowes are in their circle or
compas. Although I do not beleue that there is any man ſo foolifh, that (in his
warde) will deliuer a reuerſe onely.
Of the hurt of the lowe warde, at Rapier and Cloake.
This warde is ſo ſtraight and perilous, that no man ought to
aſſure himſelf to deliuer an edgeblow in any manner of waie. For vnder any of
them he may be eaſily ſtrooken, and each of them may eaſily be warded with the
Cloake. Therefore, he muſt diligently take heed, that he thruft onely, the
which muſt neuer be diſcharged before the enimies ſworde be found, and then as
farre forwardes as is poſſible. So then finding it, he may thruſt both within
and without. Neither is there in this thruſt any other aduantage to be gotten,
then to ſteale a halfe pace vnwares of the enimie, which may be done verie
commodiouſly, conſidering the cloak occupieth the enimies ſight, And hauing
drawen this halfe pace, and found the enimies ſword, he muſt encreaſe an other
halfe pace forwardes, and ſtrike him, coſting and forcing the enimies ſworde,
on that ſide where it may do no hurt. And this maie be vſed both within and
without: But he whome it pleaſeth, and who doubteth not to be entangled in the
Cloake, maie (finding himſelfe within) carrie his left foot making a pace
therewith, and betweene his cloake &; his ſworde, cloſe the enimies ſworde,
and deliuer a thruſt with the encreaſe of a pace of the right foote: And
finding the enimies ſword without, he may vſe the ſelfe ſame encreaſe and
thruſt. But if he finde not the enimies ſword, he may deliuer a litle edgeblow
from the wriſt of the hand, in ſuch ſorte, that the enimy haue no leaſure to
enter in: And hauing found the Sword, to diſcharge a right or ſtreight thruſt,
or elſe not voyding the enimies ſword by the encreaſe of a left pace, to driue
a thruſt from aloft downwards, lifting vp the fiſt ſomewhat high, and
deliuering it with the increaſe of a pace of the right foote.
Of the defence of the lowe Warde at Rapier and Cloak.
To the ende a man may warde himſelfe from all the thruſtes
reckned in the hurtes of this warde, he neither ought, neither happely may doe
any other thing then voide his bodie from the ſtraight line, wherein the enimie
purpoſeth to ſtrike, making a left pace forwards, ſomewhat thwarting or
croſsing and ſtriking the enimie ſafely. The which doth not ſo chaunce, when
one defendeth himſelfe either with the ſingle Cloake or ſingle Rapier: For whileſt
he aſſaileth to defend himſelf, he cannot ſtrike. And if the enimie do firſt
moue, and ſtrike ſtraight, in the which, his ſworde is not carried much
outwardes (and it hardly done,) I ſaie, the enimie may be ſtealing of half
paces, diſcharge a thruſt perforce. And therefore he muſt take heede, that (as
the enimie moueth) he encreaſe a ſlope pace (by the meanes voyding the hurt)
then a thwart or croſſing pace next, with the encreaſe of a ſtraight pace of
the right foote, to ſtrike the enimie with a thruſt vnderneath.
This may ſuffice, for the handling of theſe weapons as much as appertaineth to ſure
plaie. All that which remaines is reſerued to the treatiſe of deceit, in which
place ſhall be ſeene manie handlings of the cloake no leſſe profitable then pleaſant.